Free Springer Books during COVID19

Free Springer Books during COVID19

Update: Unfortunately, Springer removed the free access to its books.

Book publisher Springer just released over 400 book titles that can be downloaded free of charge following the corona-virus outbreak.

Here’s the full overview:

Most of these books will normally set you back about $50 to $150, so this is a great deal!

There are many titles on computer science, programming, business, psychology, and here are some specific titles that might interest my readership:

Note that I only got to page 8 of 21, so there are many more free interesting titles out there!

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6 thoughts on “Free Springer Books during COVID19

  1. Paul, thanks for the posting. These textbooks are superb references. And FREE… can’t get any better!


  2. if someone has downloaded all the books, can they please upload them on a google drive and send the link here. I was able to find one for all the machine learning and data science books which were part of the 400 something books made free by springer. However, I am not able to find one that would provide all the books.


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