Books for the modern, data-driven HR professional (incl. People Analytics)

Books for the modern, data-driven HR professional (incl. People Analytics)

With great pleasure I’ve studied and worked in the field of people analytics, where we seek to leverage employee, management-, and business information to better organize and manage our personnel. Here, data has proven valuable itself indispensible for the organization of the future.

Data and analytics have not traditionally been high on the list of HR professionals. Fortunately, there is an increased awareness that the 21st century (HR) manager has to be data-savvy. But where to start learning? The plentiful available resources can be daunting…

Have a look at these 100+ amazing books
for (starting) people analytics specialists.
My personal recommendations are included as pictures,
but feel free to ask for more detailed suggestions!

Categories (clickable)

  • Behavioural Psychology: focus on behavioural psychology and economics, including decision-making and the biases therein.
  • Technology: focus on the implications of new technology….
    • Ethics: … on society and humanity, and what can go wrong.
    • Digital & Data-driven HR: … for the future of work, workforce, and organization. Includes people analytics case studies.
  • Management: focus on industrial and organizational psychology, HR, leadership, and business strategy.
  • Statistics: focus on the technical books explaining statistical concepts and applied data analysis.
    • People analytics: …. more technical books on how to conduct people analytics studies step-by-step in (statistical) software.
    • Programming: … technical books specifically aimed at (statistical) programming and data analysis.
  • Communication: focus on information exchange, presentation, and data visualization.

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Any purchases made through those links provide us with a small commission that helps to host this blog.

Behavioural Psychology books

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Technology books

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Ethics in Data & Machine Learning

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Digital & Data-driven HR

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Management books

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Statistics books

Applied People Analytics


You can find an overview of 20+ free programming books here.

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Data Visualization books

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A note of thanks

I want to thank the active people analytics community, publishing in management journals, but also on social media. I knew Littral Shemer Haim already hosted a people analytics reading list, and so did Analytics in HR (Erik van Vulpen) and Workplaceif (Manoj Kumar). After Jared Valdron called for book recommendation on people analytics on LinkedIn, and nearly 60 people replied, I thought let’s merge these overviews.

Hence, a big thank you and acknowledgement to all those who’ve contributed directly or indirectly. I hope this comprehensive merged overview is helpful.

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4 thoughts on “Books for the modern, data-driven HR professional (incl. People Analytics)

  1. Hi Paul, welke boeken zou je aanraden om een concrete start te maken met HR analytics en het (kwantitatief) tastbaar maken van HR beleid in een kleinere (70 werknemers) organisatie? 🙂


    1. Hi Menno,
      Om concreet te starten zou ik Martin Edwards’ Predictive HR Analytics aanraden. Die gaat er wel van uit dat je toegang hebt tot SPSS (of R in de nieuwe editie).
      Indien je met wat simpele rekenvoorbeelden in Excel wilt starten zou ik Wayne Cascio en John Boudreau’s Investing in People aanraden. Eventueel zou je ook Irma Doze haar Nederlandse boek HR Analytics kunnen bekijken.
      Voor inspiratie over welke onderwerpen hoe te tackelen zou je ook nog Luc Dorenbosch’ Nederlandse boek HR Analytics: Zevende Zintuig kunnen lezen.
      Ik blijf graag op de hoogte als je vastloopt of successen behaalt al dan niet door een van de boeken!


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