Solutions to working with small sample sizes

Solutions to working with small sample sizes

Both in science and business, we often experience difficulties collecting enough data to test our hypotheses, either because target groups are small or hard to access, or because data collection entails prohibitive costs.

Such obstacles may result in data sets that are too small for the complexity of the statistical model needed to answer the questions we’re really interested in.

Several scholars teamed up and wrote this open access book: Small Sample Size Solutions.

This unique book provides guidelines and tools for implementing solutions to issues that arise in small sample studies. Each chapter illustrates statistical methods that allow researchers and analysts to apply the optimal statistical model for their research question when the sample is too small.

This book will enable anyone working with data to test their hypotheses even when the statistical model required for answering their questions are too complex for the sample sizes they can collect. The covered statistical models range from the estimation of a population mean to models with latent variables and nested observations, and solutions include both classical and Bayesian methods. All proposed solutions are described in steps researchers can implement with their own data and are accompanied with annotated syntax in R.

You can access the book for free here!

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