Tag: swift

CodeWars: Learn programming through test-driven development

CodeWars: Learn programming through test-driven development

As I wrote about Project Euler and CodingGame before, someone recommended me CodeWars. CodeWars offers free online learning exercises to develop your programming skills through fun daily challenges.

In line with Project Euler, you are tasked with solving increasingly complex programming challenges. At CodeWars, these little problems you need to solve with code are called kata.

Kata take a test-driven development approach: the programs you write need to pass the tests of the developer who made the kata in the first place. Only then are you awarded with honour and can you earn your ranks and progress to the more complex kata.

Sounds fun right? I’m definitely going to check this out, as they support a wide range of programming languages, each with many kata to solve!

Python, Ruby, C++, Java, JavaScript and many other main programming languages are already supported, but CodeWards is also still developing kata for more niche or upcoming languages like R, Lua, Kotlin, and Scala.

Step up your Coding Game

Step up your Coding Game

A friend of mine pointed me to this great website where you can interactively practice and learn new programming skills by working through small coding challenges, like making a game.

CodinGame.com is an gamified learning community and website that allows you to learn new concepts by solving fun challenges. Pick from over 25 programming languages, including Python, C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Go, and many more. In a matter of hours, you will work on hot programming topics, discover new languages, algorithms, and tricks in courses crafted by top developers.

Learn Programming Project-Based: Build-Your-Own-X

Learn Programming Project-Based: Build-Your-Own-X

Last week, this interesting reddit thread was filled with overviews for cool projects that may help you learn a programming language. The top entries are:

There’s a wide range of projects you can get started on building:

If you want to focus on building stuff in a specific programming language, you can follow these links:

If you’re really into C, then follow these links to build your own:

GoalKicker: Free Programming Books

This specific link has been on my to-do list for so-long now that I’ve decided to just share it without any further ado.

The people behind GoalKicker, for whatever reason, decided to compile nearly 100 books on different programming languages based on among others StackOverflow entries. Their open access library contains books on languages from Latex to Linux, from Java to JavaScript, from SQL to MySQL, and from C, to C++, C#, and objective-C.

Basically, they host it all. Have a look yourself: https://books.goalkicker.com/